What is the difference between annuals and perennials?

hardy annual - Sweet pea

The difference between perennials and annuals is one of the questions about plants that can be confusing, especially if you are new to gardening. Here we consider annuals and perennials, highlighting how they differ and clearing up whether some of our most popular garden plants are annuals or perennials. Perennial vs annuals: the key difference …

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Are petunias annuals or perennials?

purple petunias: annual or perennial

Petunias: annual or perennial? In most garden environments petunias are sold and grown as annuals, typically as bedding plants for beds, hanging baskets and containers. But are petunias really annuals? The answer is no. Technically, petunias are perennials. This is because in warm temperate climates, with no risk of frost and no scorching temperatures, petunias …

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All you need to know about dahlia tubers and dahlia bulbs

Dahlia tubers

What is a dahlia tuber? Let’s start by clarifying the slightly misleading headline to this post and, in the process, clear up some important questions about dahlia tubers and bulbs. First, there is no difference between what people commonly call dahlia tubers and dahlia bulbs. The important point here is that the weird potato-like structures …

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