Here we bring you a comprehensive list of flowers that start with ‘A’. This selection offers tremendous variety and versatility and will help you come up with some great ideas for the planting in your garden.
From classic annuals like African daisies to exotic tropical specimens like angel’s trumpet (the Brugmansia, pictured above), this diverse group of plants provides profuse blooms, vivid colors, and intriguing forms to enliven any outdoor space.
Flowers that start with ‘A’ include annuals like alyssum, ageratum, and ammobium, and perennials like astilbe, agastache, and asphodel. The latter will bloom year after year when planted in the right conditions. Bulbs like amaryllis and acidanthera showcase unique trumpet-shaped blooms in wintertime, while anemones herald spring with their poppy-like blossoms.
Beyond flowers, many plants beginning with ‘A’ have outstanding ornamental qualities. The huge arrowhead leaves of alocasia make a dramatic statement in shady beds. Agaves lend sculptural shape and texture with their symmetrical rosettes of succulent foliage. There are also some great flowering trees and shrubs to consider: acacias perfume the air with soft yellow blooms, while the bright purple berries of American Beautyberry and winter interest.
In this article, we’ve included images, growing requirements and design tips for over 50 different “A” plants. We’ve covered descriptions of flowers and foliage, as well as details of hardiness, height, width, soil, position and water preferences.
The diversity of these plants allows for use in nearly any location, from parched desert gardens to aquatic ponds and water features. Discover new plant possibilities starting with flowers starting the letter “A” – and read on to see what catches your eye.
See also our selection of flowers that start with ‘C’.
- African Daisy
- African Lily
- African Violet
- Ageratum
- Alcea (Hollyhock)
- Allamanda
- Allium
- Alocasia
- Aloe Vera
- Alpine Aster
- Alyssum
- Amazon Lily
- American Marigold
- Amur Adonis
- Anemone
- Angel Trumpet
- Angelonia
- Annual Phlox
- Armeria (also known as Thrift or Sea Pink)
- Arnica
- Arrowhead
- Asiatic Lily
- Aster
- Astilbe
- Australian Wax Flower
- Autumn Crocus
- Autumn Joy Sedum
- Azalea
- Abelia
- Abutilon (Flowering Maple)
- Acacia
- Acanthus
- Achillea (Yarrow)
- Acidanthera (Peacock Orchid)
- African Corn Lily
- African Iris
- Agastache
- Agave
- Alchemilla (Lady's Mantle)
- Amaryllis
- American Beautyberry
- American Elder
- Ammobium (Winged Everlasting)
- Andromeda
- Anise Hyssop
- Antirrhinum (Snapdragon)
- Aquilegia (Columbine)
- Arabian Jasmine
- Arctotis (African Daisy)
- Argentine Rain Lily
- Aurinia
- Arum Lily
- Asphodel
- Autumn Sage
African Daisy
The African daisy is a popular annual flower known for its bright colors and long blooming period. Native to South Africa, it thrives in warm climates and is great for flower beds, borders, and containers.

- Botanical name: Osteospermum species
- Type: Annual
- Hardiness zone: 9-11
- Flower color: White, pink, purple, yellow, orange
- Flower description: Daisy-like with centers ringed in contrasting colors
- Flowering time: Spring, summer, fall
- Foliage color: Green
- Foliage description: Lance-shaped leaves
- Height and width: 6-24 inches tall and wide
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate
African Lily
The African lily, also known as agapanthus, is a popular perennial known for its large spherical clusters of blue or white flowers. Like a number of our flowers starting with ‘A’, the agapanthus is native to South Africa. It does best in warm climates and makes a great border plant or container specimen.

- Botanical name: Agapanthus species
- Type: Perennial
- Hardiness zone: 9b-11
- Flower color: Blue, white, purple
- Flower description: Trumpet-shaped flowers in globular clusters
- Flowering time: Summer
- Foliage color: Green
- Foliage description: Long, arching leaves
- Height and width: 2-4 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun to partial shade
- Soil type: Well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate
Read our complete guide to growing Agapanthus here, including details of great cultivars and varieties to grow.
African Violet
The African violet is a very popular houseplant grown for its velvety leaves and purple, white, pink or blue flowers. Native to East Africa, it thrives in humid indoor conditions and requires well-drained, nutrient-rich soil.

- Botanical name: Saintpaulia ionantha
- Type: Perennial
- Hardiness zone: 10-12
- Flower color: Purple, pink, white, blue
- Flower description: Single or double flowers with fuzzy texture
- Flowering time: Spring, fall, winter
- Foliage color: Green, variegated
- Foliage description: Round, fuzzy leaves with ruffled edges
- Height and width: 4-8 inches tall, spreading to 12 inches wide
- Position: Bright indirect light
- Soil type: Peaty, well-drained
- Water needs: Keep soil consistently moist
Ageratum is one of the annual flowers that start with ‘A’. It produces fluffy pom-pom like flower heads in shades of blue, white and pink. Native to the tropics, it thrives in hot, humid climates and is great for beds, borders and containers.

- Botanical name: Ageratum houstonianum
- Type: Annual
- Hardiness zone: 9-11
- Flower color: Blue, white, pink
- Flower description: Fluffy pom-pom like flower heads
- Flowering time: Summer to fall
- Foliage color: Green
- Foliage description: Oval leaves
- Height and width: 6-18 inches tall and wide
- Position: Full sun to partial shade
- Soil type: Well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate
Read our complete guide to growing Ageratum here.
Alcea (Hollyhock)
Hollyhock is a classic cottage garden perennial known for its tall spires of large ruffled flowers. An old-fashioned favorite, it adds height and drama to the back of flower beds and borders.

- Botanical name: Alcea rosea
- Type: Perennial, biennial
- Hardiness zone: 2-9
- Flower color: Pink, red, white, yellow
- Flower description: Large, ruffled, single or double flowers on tall spikes
- Flowering time: Summer
- Foliage color: Green
- Foliage description: Large, rounded leaves
- Height and width: 4-8 feet tall, 2-3 feet wide
- Position: Full sun to partial shade
- Soil type: Well-drained, fertile
- Water needs: Moderate
Allamanda, also called golden trumpet, is a tropical woody vine prized for its colorful yellow trumpet-shaped blooms. A popular garden plant in warm climates, it can be trained up trellises, arbors, and other structures as an ornamental specimen.

- Botanical name: Allamanda cathartica
- Type: Perennial vine
- Hardiness zone: 10-11
- Flower color: Yellow
- Flower description: Bright yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers
- Flowering time: Spring to fall
- Foliage color: Glossy green
- Foliage description: Lance-shaped leaves
- Height and width: To 15-20 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Humus-rich, well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate
Alliums are bulbous perennials that produce globular flower heads in late spring and early summer. Popular types include ornamental onions and garlic, which make great border plants and cut flowers.

- Botanical name: Allium species
- Type: Bulbous perennial
- Hardiness zone: Varies by species, 3-10
- Flower color: Purple, white, pink
- Flower description: Dense globular or umbrella-shaped flower heads
- Flowering time: Late spring, early summer
- Foliage color: Grayish green
- Foliage description: Long, straplike leaves
- Height and width: 1-4 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun to partial shade
- Soil type: Well-drained
- Water needs: Low
Alocasia, also called elephant ear, is a tropical perennial grown for its huge, arrowhead-shaped leaves. A striking foliage plant, it loves heat and humidity and is great for containers or adding drama to gardens.

- Botanical name: Alocasia species
- Type: Tuberous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 10-12
- Flower color: Pale yellow
- Flower description: Insignificant compared to foliage
- Flowering time: Summer
- Foliage color: Green, variegated varieties
- Foliage description: Huge, arrowhead-shaped leaves
- Height and width: 3-6 feet tall, spreading
- Position: Partial shade
- Soil type: Rich, humus-y, well-drained
- Water needs: Consistent moisture
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is a succulent perennial grown for its medicinal gel as well as its architectural rosettes of thick, pointed leaves. Native to tropical Africa, it thrives outdoors in warm climates and makes an excellent container or houseplant.

- Botanical name: Aloe barbadensis
- Type: Succulent perennial
- Hardiness zone: 9-11
- Flower color: Orange, yellow, pink
- Flower description: Tubular flowers on tall stalks
- Flowering time: Summer
- Foliage color: Gray-green
- Foliage description: Spiky, fleshy leaves in rosettes
- Height and width: To 2-3 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun to partial shade
- Soil type: Sandy, well-drained
- Water needs: Low; allow soil to dry between waterings
Alpine Aster
Alpine aster is a compact perennial that produces masses of daisy-like flowers in late spring. Native to European mountains, it thrives in cold climates and is perfect for rock gardens, edges, and containers.

- Botanical name: Aster alpinus
- Type: Herbaceous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 2-7
- Flower color: Violet-blue, white, pink
- Flower description: Abundant small daisies with yellow centers
- Flowering time: Late spring, early summer
- Foliage color: Green
- Foliage description: Compact mounded foliage
- Height and width: 4-8 inches tall, spreading 1 foot wide
- Position: Full sun to partial shade
- Soil type: Average, well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate
Alyssum is a low-growing annual loved for its carpet of tiny, fragrant white or pink flowers. Perfect for borders, cascading from containers, and rock gardens, it is one of the flowers that start with ‘A’ that thrives in full sun and tolerates heat and drought once established.

- Botanical name: Lobularia maritima
- Type: Annual
- Hardiness zone: N/A
- Flower color: White, pink, purple
- Flower description: Clusters of tiny fragrant flowers
- Flowering time: Spring, summer, fall
- Foliage color: Gray-green
- Foliage description: Mat-forming, lance-shaped
- Height and width: 4-8 inches tall, spreading 1+ foot wide
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Well-drained
- Water needs: Low to moderate
Amazon Lily
The Amazon lily is a tropical water plant with fragrant white flowers that bloom continuously. Native to South American rivers, it thrives in ponds and water gardens in warm climates.

- Botanical name: Eucharis x grandiflora
- Type: Bulbous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 9-11
- Flower color: White
- Flower description: Fragrant, star-shaped white flowers on tall stalks
- Flowering time: Spring through fall
- Foliage color: Dark green
- Foliage description: Long, straplike leaves
- Height and width: To 3 feet tall
- Position: Full sun to part shade; in water or very wet soil
- Soil type: Rich, humus-y, constantly moist
- Water needs: Submerge pot or keep soil saturated
American Marigold
Marigolds are cheery annuals known for their bold frilly blooms in yellow, orange, and red tones. Easy to grow, they bloom all summer and add color to beds, borders, and containers.

- Botanical name: Tagetes erecta
- Type: Annual
- Hardiness zone: N/A
- Flower color: Yellow, orange, red
- Flower description: Large pom-pom like flower heads
- Flowering time: Summer to frost
- Foliage color: Ferny, green
- Foliage description: Aromatic lacy leaves
- Height and width: 6 inches to 3 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Average, well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate
Amur Adonis
Amur adonis is a hardy perennial that blooms in late winter with bright yellow flowers. Native to Siberia and Manchuria, it tolerates cold and is perfect for bringing early color to spring gardens.

- Botanical name: Adonis amurensis
- Type: Herbaceous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 3-8
- Flower color: Bright yellow
- Flower description: Solitary cup-shaped flowers
- Flowering time: Late winter, early spring
- Foliage color: Feathery and fern-like
- Foliage description: Finely divided, fern-like leaves
- Height and width: 12-15 inches tall and wide
- Position: Full sun to partial shade
- Soil type: Moist, well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate
Anemones are perennials prized for their poppy-like flowers in white, pink, red, and purple hues. Well-suited to shade gardens, they bloom in spring and make beautiful cut flowers.

- Botanical name: Anemone species
- Type: Herbaceous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 5-8
- Flower color: White, pink, red, purple
- Flower description: Poppy-like flowers on tall stems
- Flowering time: Spring, fall
- Foliage color: Green
- Foliage description: Multi-lobed or rounded leaves
- Height and width: 1-3 feet tall and wide
- Position: Part shade to full shade
- Soil type: Well-drained, humus-rich
- Water needs: Moderate
Angel Trumpet
Angel’s trumpet is one of the most spectacular flowers that start with ‘A’. It is a tropical woody shrub or small tree prized for its huge, pendulous trumpet-shaped blooms. Though beautiful, all parts are poisonous and it should be planted with care.

- Botanical name: Brugmansia species
- Type: Tropical woody shrub/small tree
- Hardiness zone: 9-11
- Flower color: White, pink, yellow, orange
- Flower description: Enormous, hanging, trumpet-shaped flowers
- Flowering time: Spring to fall
- Foliage color: Green
- Foliage description: Large, oval leaves
- Height and width: 10-15 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun to part shade
- Soil type: Rich, well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate
Angelonia is a heat-loving annual that blooms all summer long with spikes of flowers resembling small orchids. Tolerant of heat and drought, it thrives in borders and containers in warm climates.

- Botanical name: Angelonia angustifolia
- Type: Tender perennial, grown as annual
- Hardiness zone: 9-11
- Flower color: White, pink, purple, blue
- Flower description: Dense upright spikes of small snapdragon-like flowers
- Flowering time: Summer to fall
- Foliage color: Green
- Foliage description: Small lance-shaped leaves
- Height and width: 1-2 feet tall, 1 foot wide
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Well-drained but moist
- Water needs: Moderate, avoid soggy soil
Annual Phlox
Annual phlox produces clusters of flowers in vibrant colors all summer long. Great for cottage gardens, edging, pots, and cutting, it thrives in full sun with moderate water.

- Botanical name: Phlox drummondii
- Type: Annual
- Hardiness zone: N/A
- Flower color: Pink, red, white, purple, blue
- Flower description: Dense clusters of small five-petalled blooms
- Flowering time: Summer
- Foliage color: Green
- Foliage description: Slender stems with needle-like leaves
- Height and width: 6 inches to 2 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Rich, well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate, avoid soggy soil
Armeria (also known as Thrift or Sea Pink)
Armeria, also called thrift or sea pink, is a compact perennial that produces clusters of pink flowers atop grassy mounds of foliage. Tolerant of salt and drought, it thrives in coastal areas.

- Botanical name: Armeria maritima
- Type: Herbaceous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 4-9
- Flower color: Pink, white, red
- Flower description: Round cluster of flowers atop slender stems
- Flowering time: Spring to summer
- Foliage color: Grass green
- Foliage description: Narrow, grassy leaves
- Height and width: 4-10 inches tall, spreading
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Well-drained, sandy
- Water needs: Very drought tolerant
Arnica is an herbaceous perennial flower grown for its bright yellow daisy-like blooms and natural healing properties. The whole plant is used medicinally.

- Botanical name: Arnica montana
- Type: Herbaceous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 3-9
- Flower color: Yellow-orange
- Flower description: Single daisy flowers with yellow centers
- Flowering time: Late spring to mid summer
- Foliage color: Light green
- Foliage description: Oblong, lightly hairy leaves
- Height and width: 1-2 feet tall, 1 foot wide
- Position: Full sun to partial shade
- Soil type: Sandy, well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate
Arrowheads are aquatic perennials grown for their arrow-shaped leaves and white summertime flowers. They thrive along pond edges and in water gardens.

- Botanical name: Sagittaria species
- Type: Aquatic perennial
- Hardiness zone: 3-10
- Flower color: White
- Flower description: White flowers on tall stalks above foliage
- Flowering time: Summer
- Foliage color: Green
- Foliage description: Arrowhead-shaped leaves
- Height and width: 3 feet tall, spreading indefinitely
- Position: Full sun, in standing water or very wet soil
- Soil type: Rich organic soil for marginal areas
- Water needs: Submerge in 3+ inches water or keep soil saturated
Asiatic Lily
Asiatic lilies are hardy perennials prized for their large, brightly colored flower blooms in summer. They add height and drama to gardens and make beautiful cut flowers.

- Botanical name: Lilium asiatic hybrids
- Type: Bulbous perennial
- Hardiness zone: Varies by variety, mostly zones 4-9
- Flower color: Yellow, orange, pink, red, white
- Flower description: Large 6-petalled blooms on tall stems
- Flowering time: Early to mid summer
- Foliage color: Green
- Foliage description: Long, narrow leaves emerging from bulbs
- Height and width: 2-5 feet tall, 1-2 feet wide
- Position: Full sun to partial shade
- Soil type: Well-drained, humus rich
- Water needs: Moderate
Asters are classic perennials prized for their daisy-like flowers in late summer and fall/autumn when other plants are fading. Excellent for borders and cutting, they attract pollinators and provide great color.

- Botanical name: Symphyotrichum species
- Type: Herbaceous perennial
- Hardiness zone: Varies by variety, zones 3-9
- Flower color: Purple, pink, white, red
- Flower description: Daisy-like flowers with yellow centers
- Flowering time: Late summer, fall
- Foliage color: Green
- Foliage description: Lance- or heart-shaped leaves
- Height and width: 1-4 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun to part shade
- Soil type: Average, well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate
Astilbe are hardy perennials prized for their plume-like flowers that bloom in summer. Excellent for shady gardens, they add graceful texture and come in a range of pink, red, white, and purple shades.

- Botanical name: Astilbe x arendsii
- Type: Herbaceous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 4-9
- Flower color: Pink, red, white, purple
- Flower description: Plume-like flower clusters on tall stems
- Flowering time: Summer
- Foliage color: Green, bronze
- Foliage description: Finely divided, fern-like leaves
- Height and width: 1-4 feet tall, 1-3 feet wide
- Position: Part shade to full shade
- Soil type: Rich, humusy, moist but well-drained
- Water needs: Consistent moisture
Australian Wax Flower
Waxflower is a tender perennial grown as an annual for its clusters of small star-shaped flowers that resemble wax. Native to eastern Australia, it thrives in borders and containers.

- Botanical name: Chamelaucium uncinatum
- Type: Tender perennial, grown as annual
- Hardiness zone: 9-10
- Flower color: White, pink, purple
- Flower description: Sprays of tiny wax-like flowers
- Flowering time: Spring, summer, fall
- Foliage color: Green
- Foliage description: Narrow needle-like leaves
- Height and width: 3-4 feet tall, 2-3 feet wide
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Well-drained, sandy
- Water needs: Low to moderate
Autumn Crocus
Despite its name, autumn crocus is not a true crocus but a member of the lily family prized for its lavender fall-blooming flowers. Often grown from corms, it naturalizes easily to create drifts of color.

- Botanical name: Colchicum autumnale
- Type: Bulbous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 4-9
- Flower color: Purplish-pink
- Flower description: Goblet-shaped flowers that emerge without foliage
- Flowering time: Fall
- Foliage color: Rich green
- Foliage description: Broad lance-shaped leaves appear in spring
- Height and width: 6-10 inches tall and wide
- Position: Full sun to part shade
- Soil type: Well-drained
- Water needs: Medium
Autumn Joy Sedum
Autumn Joy sedum is a popular perennial that produces large heads of pink flowers that turn coppery-bronze in fall. Drought and heat tolerant, it adds late color to borders and attracts butterflies.

- Botanical name: Sedum telephium ‘Autumn Joy’
- Type: Herbaceous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 3-9
- Flower color: Pink, coppery-bronze
- Flower description: Dense flower heads transition from pink to bronze
- Flowering time: Late summer into fall
- Foliage color: Blue-green
- Foliage description: Thick succulent leaves
- Height and width: 1-2 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Well-drained
- Water needs: Very drought tolerant
Azaleas are hugely popular spring-blooming shrubs prized for their masses of colorful flowers that come in shades of pink, purple, yellow, orange, red, and white. They prefer acidic, well-drained soil. Maybe the most famous of flowers that start with ‘A’.

- Botanical name: Rhododendron species
- Type: Deciduous or evergreen flowering shrub
- Hardiness zone: 5-9
- Flower color: Pink, purple, yellow, orange, red, white
- Flower description: Clusters of showy, funnel- or bowl-shaped flowers
- Flowering time: Spring
- Foliage color: Green
- Foliage description: Oval, pointed leaves
- Height and width: 3-6 feet tall and wide
- Position: Dappled shade, protection from hot sun
- Soil type: Moist, well-drained, acidic
- Water needs: Moderate
Abelia is a moderately sized flowering shrub that produces fragrant bell-shaped flowers. A great choice for hedging and foundation plantings, it blooms through much of summer into fall.

- Botanical name: Abelia x grandiflora
- Type: Deciduous flowering shrub
- Hardiness zone: 6-9
- Flower color: White with pink blush
- Flower description: Tubular white flowers with pink tinge
- Flowering time: Summer to fall
- Foliage color: Glossy green
- Foliage description: Oval, pointed, semi-evergreen leaves
- Height and width: 3-6 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun to part shade
- Soil type: Moist, well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate
Abutilon (Flowering Maple)
Flowering maple is a tender shrub grown indoors and outdoors in warm climates for its colorful bell-shaped blooms. It needs protection from frost but thrives in heat. Also known as Chinese lantern or parlour maple.

- Botanical name: Abutilon x hybridum
- Type: Tender woody shrub
- Hardiness zone: 9-11
- Flower color: Red, orange, yellow, pink, white
- Flower description: Pendant, bell-shaped flowers
- Flowering time: Nearly year-round in warm climates
- Foliage color: Green, sometimes variegated
- Foliage description: Large, heart-shaped, maple-like leaves
- Height and width: Up to 8 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun to part shade
- Soil type: Well-drained, fertile
- Water needs: Moderate
Acacia is a genus of shrubs and trees known for their feathery foliage and yellow puffball flowers. Fast growing and drought tolerant, they make excellent screening plants in warm climates. Acacia is also known as the Wattle, especially in Australia and New Zealand.

- Botanical name: Acacia species
- Type: Shrub or small tree
- Hardiness zone: Depends on species, mostly 9-11
- Flower color: Yellow
- Flower description: Fluffy yellow puffball blooms
- Flowering time: Winter, spring
- Foliage color: Green or blue-gray
- Foliage description: Ferny, feathery compound leaves
- Height and width: 15-40 feet tall, 10-20 feet wide
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Well-drained, sandy or loamy
- Water needs: Drought tolerant, low water
Acanthus mollis is a dramatic perennial prized for its large, spiny leaves and tall flower spikes. It thrives in hot, dry conditions and provides an architectural, sculptural effect.

- Botanical name: Acanthus mollis
- Type: Herbaceous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 7-10
- Flower color: White, pink, purple
- Flower description: Dense spikes of two-lipped flowers
- Flowering time: Summer
- Foliage color: Glossy green
- Foliage description: Large, deeply cut, spiny leaves
- Height and width: 3-4 feet tall, 3 feet wide
- Position: Full sun to part shade
- Soil type: Well-drained but moist
- Water needs: Moderate
Achillea (Yarrow)
Yarrow is a rugged, long-blooming perennial that produces flat-topped clusters of flowers. Excellent for borders and naturalistic plantings, it thrives in full sun and dry conditions, flowering for long periods during the summer.

- Botanical name: Achillea species
- Type: Herbaceous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 3-9
- Flower color: White, yellow, pink, red
- Flower description: Flat-topped clusters of tiny flowers
- Flowering time: Spring to summer
- Foliage color: Grayish-green
- Foliage description: Finely divided, ferny leaves
- Height and width: 1-4 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Lean, well-drained
- Water needs: Drought tolerant
Acidanthera (Peacock Orchid)
Peacock orchid is a summer-blooming bulb known for its fragrant white flowers marked with a purple-red eye. Beautiful in borders and containers, it thrives in warm climates.

- Botanical name: Acidanthera bicolor
- Type: Tender bulbous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 9-11
- Flower color: White with maroon-purple eye
- Flower description: Fragrant, lily-like blooms on tall spikes
- Flowering time: Summer to fall
- Foliage color: Deep green
- Foliage description: Long, straplike leaves
- Height and width: 2-3 feet tall
- Position: Full sun to part shade
- Soil type: Rich, moist but well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate
African Corn Lily
The African corn lily is a bulbous perennial that produces colorful sprays of funnel-shaped blooms atop tall stems. Hardy and easy to grow, it adds vibrant color to gardens and cut flower arrangements.

- Botanical name: Ixia species
- Type: Bulbous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 7-10
- Flower color: Yellow, pink, white, orange, red
- Flower description: Funnel-shaped flowers on long wiry stems
- Flowering time: Summer
- Foliage color: Narrow, strap-like, light green
- Foliage description: Slender, grassy leaves from bulbs
- Height and width: 1-3 feet tall
- Position: Full sun to part shade
- Soil type: Well-drained, sandy
- Water needs: Low to moderate
African Iris
The African iris is a perennial known for its unique blooms in purple, blue, yellow and white with contrasting markings. Though not a true iris, it thrives in warm climates and makes a great container plant.

- Botanical name: Dietes species
- Type: Rhizomatous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 8-11
- Flower color: White, pink, yellow, purple, blue
- Flower description: Iris-like flowers marked with contrasting colors
- Flowering time: Spring, summer, fall
- Foliage color: Green, sword-shaped
- Foliage description: Stiff, sword-like leaves
- Height and width: 2-4 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun to part shade
- Soil type: Moist, well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate
Agastache are aromatic perennials prized for their spikes of tubular flowers that attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Minty scented, they thrive in borders and containers.

- Botanical name: Agastache species
- Type: Herbaceous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 5-10
- Flower color: Purple, pink, yellow, orange
- Flower description: Densely packed tubular flowers on spikes
- Flowering time: Summer to early fall
- Foliage color: Green with variegation
- Foliage description: Fragrant lance-shaped leaves
- Height and width: 1-3 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun to part shade
- Soil type: Well-drained, average
- Water needs: Moderate, drought tolerant
Agaves are succulents prized for their rosettes of thick, spiny leaves. Though some flower, they are valued primarily for foliage and texture in dry, hot climates. Although when they do flower, they probably produce the biggest flower spike of all the flowers that start with ‘A’.

- Botanical name: Agave species
- Type: Succulent perennial
- Hardiness zone: Varies widely by species
- Flower color: Green, yellow, sometimes variegated
- Flower description: Tall stalks of tubular flowers
- Flowering time: Summer (slowly, once in a lifetime)
- Foliage color: Blue-green, gray-green
- Foliage description: Spiny, succulent leaves in rosette form
- Height and width: Varies by species, typically 1-8 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Very well-drained
- Water needs: Drought tolerant, needs good drainage
Alchemilla (Lady’s Mantle)
Lady’s mantle is a perennial grown primarily for its pleated foliage that holds beads of water like jewels after rain. Clusters of tiny yellow-green flowers bloom in early summer.

- Botanical name: Alchemilla mollis
- Type: Herbaceous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 3-7
- Flower color: Yellowish-green
- Flower description: Tiny loose clusters of flowers on stems above foliage
- Flowering time: Early summer
- Foliage color: Light green
- Foliage description: Large pleated, scalloped leaves
- Height and width: 12-18 inches tall, spreading
- Position: Part shade to full shade
- Soil type: Average, well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate, average
Amaryllis is a tender bulb grown indoors in cooler climates for its showy, trumpet-shaped blooms on leafless stalks in late winter. Native to souther Africa, it goes dormant in summer and needs dry rest.

- Botanical name: Hippeastrum species
- Type: Bulbous tender perennial
- Hardiness zone: 9-10
- Flower color: Red, pink, white, orange
- Flower description: Large, trumpet-shaped flowers on leafless stalks
- Flowering time: Late winter, early spring
- Foliage color: Green
- Foliage description: Long, straplike leaves emerge after flowering
- Height and width: 2-3 feet tall
- Position: Bright indoor light or part shade outdoors
- Soil type: Rich, well-drained potting mix
- Water needs: Water while growing; allow to dry out when dormant
American Beautyberry
American beautyberry is a shrub prized for its clusters of bright purple berries that persist into winter. Tolerant of poor soils, it provides late season color to gardens.

- Botanical name: Callicarpa americana
- Type: Deciduous shrub
- Hardiness zone: 5-10
- Flower color: Pale pink
- Flower description: Small clusters of pink flowers in summer
- Flowering time: Summer
- Foliage color: Green, sometimes purple-tinged
- Foliage description: Oval, toothed leaves
- Height and width: 3-5 feet tall and wide
- Position: Part sun to full sun
- Soil type: Average to poor, well-drained
- Water needs: Drought tolerant
American Elder
American elder is a large shrub grown for its clusters of edible berries and fragrant white flowers. Fast growing, it thrives in a variety of conditions and attracts wildlife.

- Botanical name: Sambucus canadensis
- Type: Deciduous shrub
- Hardiness zone: 3-10
- Flower color: White
- Flower description: Flat clusters of tiny fragrant flowers
- Flowering time: Early to mid summer
- Foliage color: Green, pinnately compound
- Foliage description: Toothed, oval leaflets
- Height and width: Up to 12 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun to part shade
- Soil type: Average to poor, moist
- Water needs: Moderate, some drought tolerance
Ammobium (Winged Everlasting)
Ammobium is an annual flower grown for its white, daisy-like blooms that hold their shape when dried. Popular in fresh and dried arrangements, it thrives in hot, dry conditions.

- Botanical name: Ammobium alatum
- Type: Annual
- Hardiness zone: N/A
- Flower color: White
- Flower description: Small white daisies with yellow centers
- Flowering time: Summer
- Foliage color: Fine, threadlike, grayish-green
- Foliage description: Delicate, ferny leaves
- Height and width: 12-18 inches tall
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Well-drained, sandy
- Water needs: Very drought tolerant
Andromeda, also called pieris, is an early spring blooming shrub with bell-shaped flowers and attractive foliage. It prefers acidic soil and bright shade.

- Botanical name: Pieris species
- Type: Evergreen flowering shrub
- Hardiness zone: 5-7
- Flower color: White, sometimes pink
- Flower description: Drooping clusters of bell-shaped flowers
- Flowering time: Early spring
- Foliage color: Grayish green to dark green
- Foliage description: Oval, leathery leaves
- Height and width: 6-15 feet tall and wide
- Position: Partial shade to full shade
- Soil type: Moist, acidic, well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate
Anise Hyssop
Anise hyssop is an herbaceous perennial valued for its fragrant, licorice-scented leaves and spikes of tubular flowers. Excellent for pollinators, it thrives in hot, sunny locations.

- Botanical name: Agastache foeniculum
- Type: Herbaceous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 4-9
- Flower color: Purple-blue
- Flower description: Tubular flowers clustered on spikes
- Flowering time: Mid summer to early fall
- Foliage color: Green with purple tinge
- Foliage description: Fragrant, licorice-scented leaves
- Height and width: 2-4 feet tall, 1-2 feet wide
- Position: Full sun to part shade
- Soil type: Average, well-drained
- Water needs: Drought tolerant once established
Antirrhinum (Snapdragon)
Snapdragons are popular cool season annuals that produce spikes of flowers resembling dragon mouths that open and close when squeezed. Excellent for cutting.

- Botanical name: Antirrhinum majus
- Type: Tender perennial, grown as annual
- Hardiness zone: 7-10
- Flower color: Red, pink, white, yellow, orange
- Flower description: Tubular dragon-mouth shaped flowers
- Flowering time: Spring, summer, fall
- Foliage color: Green, sometimes grayish
- Foliage description: Narrow, pointed, oblong leaves
- Height and width: 1-3 feet tall, 6-12 inches wide
- Position: Full sun to part shade
- Soil type: Well-drained but moist
- Water needs: Moderate
Aquilegia (Columbine)
Columbine is a perennial that blooms in late spring and early summer with elegantly spurred flowers in a wide range of colors. Reseeds readily and attracts hummingbirds.

- Botanical name: Aquilegia species
- Type: Herbaceous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 3-9
- Flower color: Pink, red, yellow, white, blue, purple
- Flower description: Flowers with backwards facing spurs
- Flowering time: Late spring, early summer
- Foliage color: Blue-green
- Foliage description: Finely divided, fern-like leaves
- Height and width: 1-3 feet tall and wide
- Position: Part sun to part shade
- Soil type: Average, well-drained
- Water needs: Moderate
Arabian Jasmine
Arabian jasmine is a vine that produces intensely fragrant white flowers used to make jasmine tea. A popular houseplant, it can also be grown outdoors in warm climates.

- Botanical name: Jasminum sambac
- Type: Vining shrub
- Hardiness zone: 10-11
- Flower color: White
- Flower description: Small, very fragrant white flowers
- Flowering time: Sporadic year-round
- Foliage color: Green
- Foliage description: Compound leaves with oval leaflets
- Height and width: 4-10 feet long
- Position: Full sun to part shade
- Soil type: Well-drained, humus-rich
- Water needs: Moderate
Arctotis (African Daisy)
African daisy is a cheerful annual that blooms all summer with brightly colored daisy flowers. Easy to grow, it thrives in hot, sunny spots and is excellent for containers, beds and borders.

- Botanical name: Arctotis hybrids
- Type: Tender perennial grown as annual
- Hardiness zone: Not hardy, treat as annual
- Flower color: White, pink, yellow, orange, red, purple
- Flower description: Daisy-like flowers with contrasting ring
- Flowering time: Spring through fall
- Foliage color: Gray-green, hairy
- Foliage description: Simple, lobed leaves with hairs
- Height and width: 1-2 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Lean, well-drained
- Water needs: Very drought tolerant
Argentine Rain Lily
The Argentine rain lily is a summer-dormant bulb that produces bright pink flowers after rains. Excellent for rock gardens and containers, it goes dormant in summer heat. Also known as autumn zephyrlily, white windflower, white rain lily, and Peruvian swamp lily.

- Botanical name: Zephyranthes candida
- Type: Bulbous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 7-10
- Flower color: Bright white, some pink tinges
- Flower description: Lily-like white blooms atop slender stems
- Flowering time: Late spring, summer
- Foliage color: Gray-green
- Foliage description: Grass-like leaves emerge in fall
- Height and width: 4-8 inches tall
- Position: Full sun to part shade
- Soil type: Well-drained
- Water needs: Drought tolerant, flowers after rain
Aurinia is a dwarf perennial that produces pom-pom like flower heads resembling colorful pin cushions. Wonderful in rock gardens, it thrives in hot, sunny spots. Aurinia is also known as basket of gold, goldentuft alyssum, golden alyssum, golden alison, gold-dust, golden-tuft alyssum, golden-tuft madwort. There are cultivars that produce flowers in white, cream, lemon, peach or gold.

- Botanical name: Aurinia saxatilis
- Type: Herbaceous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 4-8
- Flower color: Yellow, orange, bronze, cream, gold
- Flower description: Dense pom-pom like flower clusters
- Flowering time: Spring to early summer
- Foliage color: Gray-green
- Foliage description: Mat-forming, lance-shaped leaves
- Height and width: 4-8 inches tall, 8-12 inches wide
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Lean, well-drained
- Water needs: Very drought tolerant
Arum Lily
Arum lilies are known for their large, showy white flowers and glossy green arrowhead-shaped leaves. Though beautiful, the plant contains calcium oxalate crystals and can cause skin irritation.

- Botanical name: Zantedeschia aethiopica
- Type: Bulbous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 8-11
- Flower color: White
- Flower description: Large, showy white spathes on tall stalks
- Flowering time: Spring and summer
- Foliage color: Dark green
- Foliage description: Large glossy arrowhead-shaped leaves
- Height and width: To 3 feet tall
- Position: Full sun to part shade
- Soil type: Rich, evenly moist
- Water needs: Keep soil consistently moist
Asphodel is an elegant perennial that produces tall spikes covered with white star-shaped flowers in spring. Grown from bulbs, it naturalizes readily in sunny meadows and grassy areas.

- Botanical name: Asphodelus albus
- Type: Bulbous perennial
- Hardiness zone: 6-9
- Flower color: White
- Flower description: Long, dense spikes of starry white flowers
- Flowering time: Spring
- Foliage color: Grayish green
- Foliage description: Slender, arching, grassy leaves
- Height and width: 3-4 feet tall
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Well-drained, sandy
- Water needs: Drought tolerant
Autumn Sage
Autumn sage is a late season bloomer valued for its spikes of tubular flowers in shades of red, purple and pink. Attractive to hummingbirds, it thrives in hot, sunny spots.

- Botanical name: Salvia greggii
- Type: Evergreen perennial
- Hardiness zone: 7-10
- Flower color: Red, pink, purple, orange
- Flower description: Tubular flowers clustered on spikes
- Flowering time: Summer to fall
- Foliage color: Green to sage green
- Foliage description: Aromatic, evergreen leaves
- Height and width: 1-4 feet tall and wide
- Position: Full sun
- Soil type: Lean, well-drained
- Water needs: Drough
Martin Cole has been an avid plant lover and gardener for more than 20 years and loves to talk and write about gardening. In 2006 he was a finalist in the BBC Gardener of the Year competition. He is a member of the National dahlia Society.
He previously lived in London and Sydney, Australia, where he took a diploma course in Horticultural studies and is now based in North Berwick in Scotland. He founded GardeningStepbyStep.com in 2012. The website is aimed at everybody who loves plants or has been bitten by the gardening bug and wants to know more.
Gardening Step by Step has been cited by Thompson and Morgan, the UK’s largest mail order plant retailer, as a website that publishes expert gardening content.