The e-book to help you grow beautiful healthy dahlias for a fantastic display in your garden all summer

If you love gardens, you undoubtedly love plants. And, if you love plants, I can’t imagine how you could not love dahlias. Here are just some of the reasons why:

  • Dahlias have beautiful flowers in countless shapes, sizes and colours.
  • Dahlias come in various heights, so they are not out of place in the back, middle or front of the border – or even in pots. 
  • Dahlias make fantastic cut flowers
  • Dahlias provide us with a focus for the whole growing season, as we watch them gradually produce their stunning floral displays that can last until the first frosts.  
Dahlia Farm Field

So, there is no doubt dahlias are stunning plants. But they can be tricky to grow. Here are just a few of the things you need to master when growing dahlias

What dahlia growers need to know

  • You need to know where to plant dahlias, when to plant them, how to plant them, and what kind of soil they need.
  • You need to know about feeding them, watering them, staking them and cutting them.
  • You need to know about pruning them and deadheading them to get more flowers, and you need to know what to do with them over winter.
  • And if you want more dahlia plants for free, you need to know how to go about propagating your dahlias too.

So, there is a lot to know and a fair bit to be confused about if want to grow beautiful dahlias for your garden.

And that is where my e-book Dahlias Step by Step comes in.

Dahlias Step by Step

Only $9.99

Note: the buy button will take you to Gumroad which is the e-commerce platform I use to sell and deliver my products This is an e-book with immediate download and access.

How Dahlias Step by Step will help you grow fantastic dahlias

This complete guide to growing dahlias covers all stages of dahlia care including propagation, planting, cultivation, overwintering and pests and diseases and much more.

This is the ebook for you if you love dahlias and want to learn how to get the best out of the dahlias you grow.

It is a comprehensive step by step guide, suitable for beginners and those with some gardening experience, with plain language explanations and useful images and illustrations.

What you will learn

You will learn all about:

  • The origins of the modern dahlia and how knowing the history helps you grow great dahlias today.
  • The ideal growing conditions for dahlias , including soil, aspect and positioning.
  • How to plant dahlias, when to plant dahlias and how to space them for optimal growth.
  • How to take care of your dahlias as they grow, including staking, watering and feeding.
  • The three critical techniques you need to master in order to maximise flowering, including how to deadhead your dahlias so they flower until winter.
  • The main pests and diseases that might attack your dahlias and how you can deal with them.
  • How to grow dahlias in pots and how to make sure dahlias you grow for the vase last as long as possible.
  • How to take care of dahlias over winter.
  • The three main ways to propagate dahlias, allowing you to create new dahlia plants for free.
  • How to tell the different types of dahlias apart and how they are officially classified into groups.
  • The recommended varieties, identified by key colour characteristics for each different type of dahlia.

Dahlias Step by Step comes as a full colour ebook in pdf and e-pub formats with over 60 images and illustrations.

What do I know?

I’m Martin Cole, the author of Dahlias Step by Step and I’ve been growing dahlias for over twenty years. I’m a former BBC Gardener of the Year finalist and I run the popular gardening blog Gardening Step by Step. What is more, recently, Thompson and Morgan, the UK’s largest Mail Order Seed and Plant company, featured me in their Dahlia Masterclass coverage on their blog.

Get Dahlias Step by Step now

Click on the buy button now for an instant download of the e-book and you soon be on your way to growing beautiful healthy dahlias that will lift your spirits and your garden all summer long.

Dahlias Step by Step

Only $9.99

Note: the buy button will take you to Gumroad which is the e-commerce platform I use to sell and deliver my products. This is an e-book with immediate download and access.

Dahlia Farm