Can you grow Xanthorrhoea johnsonii as a house plant?

Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, commonly known as Johnson's grass tree

Xanthorrhoea johnsonii, commonly known as Johnson’s grass tree, is an iconic Australian plant with a unique appearance and fascinating history. While traditionally found in the wild, this article explores the possibility of growing this remarkable plant indoors and provides guidance on how to do so successfully. So, can you grow Xanthorrhoea johnsonii as a house …

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Poinsettia care: How to look after your plant from shop to home and all season long

Poinsettia care

Poinsettia care can be a little bit challenging. Poinsettias are often bought as temporary plants, for display over the Christas period only, and then discarded. But with a little bit of care, you can extend the life of your Poinsettia and keep it for seasons to come. Native to Mexico and Central America, Poinsettias (Euphorbia …

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The 16 best indoor palms to grow

best indoor palms

Indoor palms bring a touch of the tropics and a sense of calm to any space. I always think that the best indoor palms are really valued as house plants because of the atmosphere they create. For those of us living in colder climates palms evoke thoughts of warm summers and exotic holidays in faraway …

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Growing Ficus elastica: the complete guide

Ficus elastica: the verdict Commonly known as the Rubber Plant, Ficus elsatica is a tough evergreen that brings a touch of the tropics into the home. It has thick, glossy leaves and that can reach up to 1 foot (30cm) long. The plant can grow to 8 feet (2.5m) or so indoors. It boasts air-purifying …

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